Frequently Asked Questions
1. I am a licensed pilot and just received a DUI/DWI. Do I have to notify the FAA and if so how do I go about doing that and what do I tell them?
Airmen actually have two separate reporting requirements; one pertaining to your part 61 license 14 CFR 61.15(e) and the second on your application for medical certificate, FAA Form 8500-8.
According to FAA regulations, 14 CFR 61.15(e), you are required to notify the FAA Security & Investigations Division within 60 days of any "motor vehicle action" (MVA) resulting from an alcohol or drug related offense. A MVA is defined as a suspension or revocation of a driver’s license and commonly referenced as an Administrative Action. Subsequently, a second report must be submitted if "convicted" at a later date of this incident. For further details please refer to the REFERENCE tab.
An airman also has a reporting requirement on their medical application, see question 18v on your FAA Form 8500-8, which include disclosing the following information: (1) an alcohol related arrest and/or conviction (2) History of arrest, conviction or administrative action that resulted in denial, suspension, cancellation, revocation of your driving privileges or resulted in attendance at an educational or rehabilitation program. Please note (2) above is NOT limited to alcohol related MVA’s, you must report any MVA that results in the actions listed above.
2. I have heard of the HIMS program. What is it?
The HIMS (Human Intervention & Motivation Study) program was developed by the FAA, the Airlines and the airline unions to assist a Part 121 pilot back to the cockpit upon successful completion of rehabilitation, usually in less than one year. For a complete explanation of this program, refer to the REFERENCE tab of this website where you will find several topics in this area.
3. I am a corporate pilot. Can I participate in the HIMS program?
Although the HIMS program was developed initially for Part 121 Airline Pilots, some corporations are warming to this program and utilize it. The REFERENCE tab has an article on this subject.
4. I am a military pilot. Can I belong to Birds of a Feather and will it benefit me?
As stated on our HOME page, Birds of a Feather is for all pilots and cockpit crewmembers, whether airline, corporate, private or military. You will certainly benefit from participating in Birds of a Feather meetings. There is an excellent selection for your Flight Surgeon to read on our REFERENCE tab.
5. As a doctor reading this website, is there a way I can refer a patient to Birds of a Feather?
Yes, we have prepared a one page "notice" that you can print out on your computer and place in your office in a convenient location for your patients to see. Click HERE to access that document.
6. How can I get involved with Birds of a Feather?
Click on the tab NESTS AND CONTACTS on this website to see if there is a Birds of a Feather "Nest" in your area. If so, you can contact them to see about their meetings. If there are no nests in your city, the NESTS AND CONTACTS page and our newsletter The BirdWord has a listing of "Solo" Birds in cities where there are no regularly scheduled meetings.
7. What is the BirdWord?
The BirdWord is our quarterly electronic newsletter. It consists of articles, stories, vignettes, letters to the editor, notices and a complete listing of all nests and solo birds worldwide. Check out the BIRDWORD tab of this website for more info and subscription information.
8. I am a female pilot. Can you refer me to some information for women only?
In the REFERENCE section of this website is an excellent article by a woman pilot that you may find interesting.
9. There is no nest in my area. Can I start a Birds of a Feather meeting?
Of course. All you need for a meeting is at least two people and a regularly scheduled meeting time and place. We have sample meeting formats and statements of intent that you can tailor to your group. Contact any of the TRUSTED SERVANTS or the page of this website and we will get you started.
10. I am a member of a Nest that is listed on this site and I would like to make a special announcement about our nest. Can you help?
Contact the Website Editor and we will post your message on your nest's page as a "NestNote"
11. Are there any Birds of a Feather nests outside of the United States?
Yes. If you will click on the NESTS AND CONTACTS page you will see that there are nests in Canada, Europe, Asia and Austrailia/New Zealand. Nests in additional countries are always being added. You will also notice that there are several "solo birds" in other countries.
12. What are "solo birds"?
Solo birds are pilots in recovery in a city or location where there are no regularly scheduled nest meetings. They have made themselves available for you to call should you be in that particular location and would like to chat or have a meeting. Consult the SoloBird or the page for listings of solo birds.
13. I am a private pilot but lost my medical due to an alcohol related incident. Can I get my medical back and continue to fly?
Refer to FAR 67.107, Subparts B, C and D. There you will find that the mental standards for an FAA medical certificate are based on no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of "substance abuse". Without knowing what your particular situation is, you can attempt to gain back your medical certificate by proving that you have sustained total abstinence from the "substance" for not less than two years. With the assistance of your AME and the proper documentation, you can re-apply. Having attended rehabilitation for substance abuse is helpful. Part 121 pilots can shorten the two year period by entering the FAA approved HIMS program. See question #2 above. Currently there is no officially established FAA program for non-Part 121 pilots to shorten the two year waiting period, however there are some AME's that are utilizing the concept of the HIMS in treating private pilots.
14. I am a flight attendant. Can I attend Birds of a Feather Meetings?
Although Birds of a Feather was established to assist troubled pilots and other cockpit crewmembers (see Birds of a Feather "Singleness of Purpose" on our home page) some nests do allow flight attendants and other aviation personnel. This is a matter of the group conscience of each individual nest. Please contact the nest you are interested in to see if flight attendants are welcome to attend. To read a story about a flight attendant in recovery click HERE.
15. I have some medical questions that I would like answered that you may not be able to help me with. Can you refer me to an appropriate link?
Yes. If you will go to our REFERENCE page and access the link for Aviation Medicine Advisory Service you will find an excellent website that will answer all of your questions or refer you to someone who can. Their contact info is:
16. Can you refer me to a source to make sure I am filling out my FAA physical exam form correctly?
Here you can fill out an actual FAA medical application form before your next FAA physical and the interactive application will advise you if something you have entered is incorrect or may raise a red flag with the FAA Medical Department. Go to www.aopa.org
17. I have been sober several years now through a 12 step program and have never been through treatment. Do I have to check the "alcohol dependence" box on the 8500-8 FAA form when I go in for my medical?
"If you have not been professionally diagnosed with alcoholism you DO NOT have to check the alcohol dependence box on the 8500-8 form." This statement is clarification from a noted AME in aviation addiction medicine.
18. Is there any information that can be downloaded to aid in the education about alcoholism as it effects pilots?
Yes. Please access our REFERENCE tab and there are several websites and articles that can educate you specifically about pilots and alcoholism.
19. I would like to share with the website an interesting article I read that is pertinent to our recovery as pilots. Can I post it on the website?
Yes. Please submit your article or comment to the EDITOR and he will see that it is placed on the
20. I am in need of a HIMS qualified Independent Medical Sponsor (IMS). How can I find one that is close to me?
Access the www.faa.gov website.
21. I am looking for any BOAF members involved with HIMS that would be willing to help with questions about my SI and airline applications/interviews. For example: a recent application I was working on asked about class medical and any waivers. It's obvious the airline will know about my SI by looking at my medical, but is an SI considered a waiver? A waiver suggests a permanent condition on the medical. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The website www.leftseat.com has information on substance abuse and how the FAA treats that issue plus additional information on obtaining a special issuance. Be sure to access the large drop down menu on the home page for specific topics.
22. I have a special issuance medical. Do I have to carry on my person the special issuance letter that was issued to me by the FAA every time that I fly?
Starting July 20, 2012 pilots who have a medical certificate with a special issuance authorization will no longer need to carry the separate authorization letter with them in the aircraft. It’s a small change in the regulations, but it’s designed to ease the document-carrying requirement for the 28,000 pilots who already endure the extra burden and expense of obtaining a special issuance.
23. I would like to get help but have limited funds for treatment. Is there an organization or service that can assist me financially?
Go to: www.aviationfamilyfund.org
24. Does Birds of a Feather have a FaceBook page?
Because we value strict anonymity within the pilot community, we require all potential users of our Facebook page to qualify for entry. Please contact the following to join our Facebook page:
25. Are there any new drug testing rules I need to be concerned about?
Yes. Effective January 1, 2018 the U.S. Government has put out new procedures for drug testing which adds more drugs that will be tested for during random tests. Click on Archives and look Under Additional Archives HERE to see those new rules.
26. Where do I find information about my responsibilities regarding driving under the influence?
Go to http://www.faa.gov/go/duidwi
27. For a printout of the BOAF definition which can be posted or used as a handout, CLICK HERE
More questions coming soon...........
Submit your article/comments/information to the website editor and he will see if it would be appropriate to post on the Letters to the Editor page
To Request to Join our Facebook Group Contact
RICKY K. via FB, Messenger or email
Copyright © 2014 by "BOAF" All Rights reserved.
Last Updated 11-9-24